Common questions
Can the elastic be removed on all sock models ?
This service is applicable to most models, with the exception of silk models and some more delicate models.
Will the socks slip down to the toe after the elastic is removed ?
Tabio works particularly hard on the toe and heel of the socks so that it stays in place and wraps the foot well for maximum comfort. So even without elastic, the sock doesn't slip down easily (unless it's worn in soft, high boots).
Can I have the elastic removal service in the store ?
Yes, the service is also available in the store. However, you should allow at least 24 hours for the socks to be collected.
Can you remove the elastic on other products than Tabio socks ?
No. It may happen that a stitch is damaged during this process and we have to replace the article. This is why we only offer this service on our products.